Trends are strange and fascinating- I never got on board with them cause I didn't have more money I was willing to throw away, but I still envied the cool people who could afford awesomely overpriced plastic.
5 Strange Trends
1. Hit Clips: the only memory I have of these is when I was at a summer family camp when I was 6, and a cool teenager had a itty bitty CD player that played one song over and over on a small plastic CD- probably Backstreet Boys or Spice Girls or Shakira.
2. Tamagotchis: My sister was one of the first to jump this trend, though only because her friend gave it to her as a gift- strange plastics egg anyway. It was super cool to play by yourself but if that boring you could electronically link the eggs together so your tamagotchi's could play...or something. Even though objectively it's dumb, buying one of these again appeals to me cause you get to make fun choices like which exercise they should do or whether to feed them a hot dog or mousse. THE POSSIBILITIES. Also the way the tamagotchi's moved was super odd- they bobbed up and down like tiny water buoys.
3. Webkinz: my cousins on the extreme side must have had a minimum of 20 Webkinz. I got my only Webkinz, a panda Po, as a sort of recovery gift after my mouth surgery in ninth grade. I made a modest 2 room house online, which I visited with dedication. My friend didn't have as much starved her Webkinz to death, which I was not aware was possible.
4. Silly Bands: everything about these were cool, but I was never as extreme as my friends who's entire wrist and lower arm where covered in constrictive rainbow brite rubber bands. I had Spiderman ones and one of tools-
"Woah, man, check this saw and hammer I have on my wrist!"
5. Animal Tails: I was home schooled through ninth grade, so when I arrived in tenth grade I became aware of that I just missed a very weird trend fixated on animal tails- some real, some not. People got them at this mildly sketchy place a couple blocks away from my school called Lady Ocelot's Emporium.