Why do we label and stereotype each other?
To me, most of the labels and stereotypes we tend to use are due to our culture.
As individuals, it’s in our nature to assume that the actions of others link them to a certain label or stereotype. In general, as a culture and as individuals, we tend to single people out or to isolate them from what we consider to be the norm.
Then, there is the more simplistic reason. We label people just because we don't like them as individuals or want to hurt them. Other times, we may not even realize that we are labeling.
Here is a list of labels and stereotypes that need to go away:
1. Slut
A girl wears short shorts, and now she’s a “slut.”
A girl uses the dog Snapchat filter, and now she’s a “slut.”
A girl talks to several guys, and she’s now a “slut.”
A girl dances with a guy at the bar, and now she’s a “slut.”
This label is often used just to hurt others. It could be from jealousy, because of something that person did or just because of their appearance. Whatever the reason, this label is used way too much and is irrelevant to most situations. Why is it even used for girls who use the dog filter on Snapchat? It really makes no sense to me. The fact of the matter is that we need to stop calling women sluts.
2. Ghetto
Do we really know what the word ghetto means? Probably not. It’s mostly used as an adjective but it’s actually a noun. A ghetto is a slum area occupied by minority groups. However, it’s mainly used to describe people. If you wear a crooked hat, sag your pants or smoke, you are considered “ghetto.”
3. Homo
No one should ever be defined by their sexuality. We are all more than our sexuality. Generally, this label is used to offend and insult others, even straight people. This label suggests that being homosexual is something to be embarrassed about or ashamed of. However, no one should be ashamed of their sexual orientation.
4. The “Nice Guy”
A “nice guy” is a man who genuinely cares about a woman and treats her like she should be treated. The stereotype for these types of men is “nice guys finish last.” This means that those who are labeled nice guys won’t ever get the girl to love him because he is nice. So, basically if you don’t treat a woman like trash, you’re considered a "nice guy." Personally, I don’t really want to be treated like trash so I guess I like “nice guys.”
5. Bougie
This term is derived from word "bourgeoisie" which typically refers to someone in the upper-middle class who is pretty wealthy. "Bougie" pertains to those who are stuck up and snobby and try too hard to be upscale. This stereotype is commonly used among members of a particular group to make fun of others.
Labeling people changes their perspective about themselves. They start thinking less about who they really are and more about the labels and judgements given by others. When we label and stereotype others, we give them a distorted view of themselves. Instead, we need to get to know them as individuals before we make assumptions based on cultural mores or the labels used by others.