I've been studying film since my junior year of high school, and now I am in my junior year of college. Other than in movies, I haven't really been able to see film students from "the outside." So, I did a little survey to find out how people really see us. Some of the results were expected, and some were a bit of a surprise.
1. Their Homework is Easy/All They Have to Do is Watch Movies
There have been times when I’ve entered my apartment and whined to my roommates that I couldn’t hang out because I had to go watch a film for homework. Needless to say, they’d look at me like I was insane. But viewing films for class is not just pleasure watching. Have you ever wondered why watching a movie with a film student is the worst? Ever wonder why we overanalyze every single scene? It’s because of that homework.
We do research papers too. That’s a thing.
2. They Are Obsessed With Foreign/Indie Films
While I may be one of those seemingly annoying people for raving over some Swedish film you’ve never heard of, there are actually a lot of film students who prefer to stick with classic American blockbusters. One reason why a lot of film students rave over foreign and indie films is because we’re actually exposed to them and learn how great they can be. Don’t get me wrong, I have seen an equal amount of unsatisfying foreign flicks, and the majority independent films are just plain weird. Truth.
3. Film Students Are All Hipsters
“They either have superb style that tends to be eclectic or they dress like a hobo.” (My Roommate, 2016).
We have personalities.
4. They Are All Pretentious
I myself have been guilty of calling a fellow film student pretentious, especially when they talk in their lofty language about some aspect of film theory the rest of us don’t understand. However, over time I’ve learned that, most of the time, these people aren’t showing off or trying to be rude; they’re just incredibly smart and passionate about films, and have the ability to understand the deeper aspects of the medium that the average viewer just doesn’t understand. I’ve also been told that we overuse the word “film”. I can certainly attest to that. I don’t even know when it happened, but now itjust feels wrong and almost disrespectful to call a great motion picture a movie.
Call me crazy.
5. Film Students Have No Future
I've heard this same statement thrown out at every art major. While it's untrue to say that film students have no future at all, film students either already know, or soon realize, that the film industry is incredible competitive, and you really have to prove yourself to make it. One thing that people forget is that not all film students are looking to become the next big Hollywood director. Film degrees cover a lot of ground in the industry. Your degree can help you gain knowledge and practice with cinematography, lighting, audio production, editing, directing, and film theory. On top of that, each of those specialties has hundreds of job opportunities branching off of them. (Ever sit through all the credits?) Film students don't just have the one option of working for a large production company. Social Media websites, television stations, music artists, and advertising companies can use a filmmaker. So any film student out there who feels like their opportunities are slim, never fear, you have options.