I notice myself falling into the same 5 steps every week while I'm writing my articles. To be completely honest, I find myself in this pattern with like every assignment I do ever.
1. Inspiration hits you.
Get it down before you forget!
2. You take a break while admiring your awesome work.
Sometimes the break is an hour... sometimes it's 4 days
3. The due date rolls around.
Oh gosh, Wednesday again? You check up on your article to see MUSE has decided to delete content/stop saving work/ruin formatting/really anything to make things difficult.
4. Panic! Call the editors!
There's nothing in the world these rockstars can't fix. They'll calm your worries and help you publish an awesome article.
5. Relief.
The article has been submitted for editing and now you just wait (or start your next one!) excitedly for the publication.
Maybe other authors don't find themselves in this cycle and maybe someday I'll get my life together and skip steps 3 and 4! But for now, another shout out to the awesome editors and authors for all their help and inspiration- where would we all be without you?