Everyone has had those mornings where waking up is a chore and hitting snooze to get the last five minutes of sleep seems like the only option. But then for some reason the snooze button was defective, you wake up ten minutes before class starts and you’re basically screwed. We've all had the same thoughts while frantically trying to get out the door with enough time to spare.
1. Satisfaction.
The instant gratification of waking up later than you were supposed to, before you realize, DAMN IT! You were supposed to be out the door ages ago. Those seconds of ignorant bliss are the best, a happy time before you check your phone and notice how much you messed up that morning.
2. The Realization.
The realization that you completely disregarded your 12 alarms and slept through every slight disturbance. It's only until you check your phone that you notice you are late. This is the worst out of all of them. All you wanted to do was check Instagram, Snapchat and Twitter with out any disturbances, but now you don't even have time to like what your wearing let alone someone else's status.
3. The Jump.
This jump is a record breaking jump. Once you land your left wondering why you aren't an olympian, because some how you got out of bed were 10 feet into the air and landed safely onto the ground. This jump out of bed begins the race to find clothes and anything you’d need for the day. For some reason finding what you need becomes a lot harder when you’re in a rush and can’t focus.
4. The Race.
This race is to get an hour of prep done in less than 10 minutes. The race includes getting dressed, brushing your: hair, teeth and if possible; trying to make yourself look as presentable as possible. Or finding whatever's clean throwing it on and pretending that a yellow shirt and green sweatpants really do match. Maybe eating, who am I kidding, eating is more important than class. And finally you're done. You look terrible and feel like a train hit you, but you'll probably make it to class on time.
5. Grab and Go.
This is the most important moment before you rush out that door. This is when you have to quickly grab everything you need for your class or classes and run out the door. Sprinting to class in the hopes that you will make it there earlier than you think or at least at a decent time. No one is safe if they are in your path, you are on an unstoppable mission.
Once you get to class there are two feelings: either relief that you made it, or grief that you forgot something or got their late. But either way, you got there.