It’s been all fun and games up until this point. Now it’s time to realize why you truly came to college; Set aside the last three years and realize your future and the rest of your life is just right around the corner.
1. Focus on yourself.
In the last three years you have accomplished so much. Between moving out on your own to becoming the person you are today, and the obstacles you have managed to overcome. This is your year to be selfish. Do all the things you’ve always wanted to do, travel and make the best of every moment possible.
2. Make time for friends and a social life.
A social life and free time is important. Here and there it is okay to set aside the school work and go back to the freshman year days of not having a care in the world but only once in awhile. The friends you have throughout your senior year and the memories you make are going to be the ones that you keep with you forever. Once you step foot into the real world, you can say goodbye to the crazy nights at the bar, the walk of shames and the classy hung over gathers with your roommates the morning after; after graduation you are welcomed into the scary world of “adulting”
3. Figure out where you want to be 9 months from now.
Take a step back and remember why you came to college. Not everyone at the age of 18 can list the things they’re going to do in the next four years and after. I can’t even make a decision on dinner, how will I ever be able to decide on a career for the rest of my life? Thinking about the real world might be hard after the many nights out and the fun you had. Fun can happen in the real world, but figuring out how you’re going to get there and what you need to do so, is the most important.
4. Sleep.
Everyone says all-nighters do you no good, and if that’s true then why do we love them so much? After all the all-nighters you have pulled and the ones you’re still going to be pulling, try setting aside a few extra hours in your day or in your weekend to sleep. This year is your crunch year, within a 10 month time period you need to cram in enough partying, studying and bonding with your friends to last you the rest of your life, but in the process, don’t forget to sleep a little.
5. Enjoy.
This is the last year for you to take full advantage of the college life. You’ll go from party animal to party pooper in the blink of an eye.