Most people take advantage of the new year as a way to improve themselves. They set resolutions and occasionally they follow through. It's a nice idea, but without the proper preparation it can be a bit unrealistic. Here are a few ideas that will help those that haven't figured out how they will complete their New Year's resolution.
1. Set a specific goal and write it down somewhere you can see it regularly.
Setting a specific goal gives the ability to visualize the end result and can help keep you motivated. Having your goal written down where you can see it on a regular basis will also help keep you motivated. Hanging it on your refrigerator or on your closet are always good options because these are things that you look at every single day. It helps keep it on your mind throughout the day.
2. Make a plan to help you succeed.
Having a clear path that will help you achieve your goals is important.. Whether it is something small that helps you stay motivated every day or you set a detailed plan that you follow closely, you need some kind of plan to follow.
3. Make sure that your goals are attainable.
If your New Year's resolution seems unattainable, you will be less likely to complete your goal. If your goal is big and will take some time, set smaller goals that you can achieve in a shorter amount of time. This will keep you dedicated to your goal and motivate you to keep going.
4. Don't be too hard on yourself.
Nobody is perfect. Sometimes you are going to break your plan but that's okay. Pick up where you left off...whatever your goal is you can still obtain it, even with a minor lapse. In fact, a small lapse can even be beneficial. One lapse from your goal every once in a while can keep you on track because you aren't completely changing the way you once lived and expecting it to work.
5. Find friends that have set a similar resolution and work towards it together.
Having people that are dealing with the same things as you makes achieving your goals easier. It is a support system that you can share the things that have been challenging for you and they can tell you how they overcame those same hardships. Working towards your goal together means you have people to hold you accountable and people to celebrate your accomplishments with.
At the end of the day, you either are dedicated to your resolution or you aren't. The determining factor is ultimately you. These ideas are just something that will make your resolution more accessible to you.