Starting a self-help journey can seem extremely overwhelming, especially when you're not sure where to start. The idea of flipping your whole life upside down in order to improve it can be scary. However, if you're passionate about making a change, following these steps should help give you a stepping stool into creating the person you want to be.
1. Take a step back
Life can move so quickly that we run out of time to check in on ourselves. We become detached to our own lives, living each day as a routine, instead of a gift. Take a step back from all of the chaos and ask yourself: what in my life is holding me back from being happier? I did this as 2017 was coming to a close, making my cliché New Year’s resolutions, but this time I wanted them to really mean something. I wasn’t driving my own life, I was simply along for the ride as a passenger. I decided I was through with playing the victim and ready to take action, I realized I had nothing stopping me.
2. Set goals for yourself
3. Hold yourself accountable
Once I found the areas I wanted to improve on, it was important to make a game plan. I also had to constantly remind myself that this wasn’t going to happen overnight. I had to stay dedicated to myself in order to see results, which is why I decided this step should have two parts to it. Part one, long-term goals, and part two, weekly goals. I wanted to lose 20 pounds. That was something I had always wanted to do, but it seemed impossible for me to actually achieve. Once I set this goal I realized I wasn’t going to get anywhere without keeping my mind on it for the long run. This involved major lifestyle changes, which I tiptoed into using weekly goals. Each week I’d set a couple small goals that would ween me in the right direction to stay on track. Following this pattern each week, I eventually noticed my lifestyle was completely different; I’d stopped eating meat, and cut dairy out of my diet. I was going to the gym every day, and I started seeing results. Thanks to my little goals, I could feel my long-term goal drawing in closer and closer.
My bullet journal
My weekly goals were helping me stay on task, making sure I kept my eye on the prize. Each week brought feelings of accomplishment since I had these small goals motivating me, which in turn made me grow more and more dedicated to this new lifestyle. Now, each week I journal out my goals, I make sure I have them written down, so they’re present to me as a constant reminder. Then, if I’m feeling tempted to eat that slice of pizza, or skip the gym and take a nap instead, I have a concrete reason not to. That piece of paper is a tangible reminder of my goals. After the first couple of weeks, it became an adapted part of my life, rather than a reminder. It was really working, and I started feeling so much better in my everyday life. I started kicking myself for not doing this sooner.
4. Rewards
My Friday night treat
Regardless of how dedicated I was to my goals, I realized I could still reward myself when I deserved it. In a controlled manner, I learned to treat myself after accomplishing something I was reaching for. For example, this week I hit the -18 mark on my fitness journey. That was huge to me, and I could barely believe it when I stepped on the scale. This is the best shape I’ve been in my whole life. I couldn’t believe that it's four months into the year and I’m two pounds away from the goal I wanted to reach by December. I also know that I’m more in love with my life now than I have ever been before, and hitting my goal won’t make me decide to revert back to my old self. If anything, it’ll push me to keep going. I’ve stuck to my resolutions and changed my life, so I decided a reward was fit. I enjoyed two scoops of vegan ice cream on Friday night with a couple of friends. It doesn’t sound like much, but it was the best damn ice cream I’ve had in a long time.
5. Love Yourself
I recently read “You are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living an Awesome Life,” and it played a huge role in my self-revolution journey. I highly recommend the book to everyone, as it helped me accept myself for where I currently stand, as well as taught me to drive myself forward in an effective way. The author, Jen Sicero, constantly reinforces this idea of self-love in each of her lists throughout the novel. It’s imperative to love yourself enough to be your biggest fan. If you can’t love you for you, why would you care enough to change yourself?
Don't be afraid to dream big in making your goals, because it doesn't have to be immediate. It's a process, not a contest, work towards your goals one step at a time to make it out on top. Push yourself further than imaginable, and soon others will be asking you what you changed because you'll be glowing from the inside out with love for your life.