StarKid has come so far since when they first started out. I have loved seeing them grow and improve. The fact that their goal is to create musicals and upload them online where people who don’t live in their area will be able to watch and enjoy and share them with others is fantastic. I have learned lessons from these musicals that I might not have learned otherwise. They are way worth watching and paying attention to—even though they aren’t Broadway musicals. You will not stop laughing or crying when you watch these musicals.
This is where it started. The obsession with StarKid often begins with watching the very first musical they made about Harry Potter. This might not be filmed with the best techniques, but if you stick with it they will give you comedy gold that you can use in many aspects of your life—even if no one you make references to knows the musical. Not to mention if you want to see Draco roll around on the floor…this is the one for that.
Once you watch the first one, you just need more and have to continue onto the next one. This one is hilarious and includes the best Umbridge that was ever made—Joe Walker. Not to mention there are so many times you actually feel bad for certain characters that you never thought you would. If you love Harry Potter and saw the first musical—you know this is where you must go next.
3. Starship
The science fiction musical where bugs are the main characters. This use of puppets is amazing. The quality has gotten better since A Very Potter and the storylines still draw you in and make you laugh, cry and fall in love with the characters. You get invested in what will happen and you can’t control how much you watch. Once you start StarKid, you can’t stop unless you have to go to work or school or something.
The musical about super friends who just want to make the right choices. You get a new villain for the Batman universe and get even more background on many of the characters and villains in this universe. Even if the backgrounds and such are not true—you still have it tucked away for when you do run into a batman fan who has also seen this musical. The quality is even better and you look forward to even more musicals as they can film and record them better now.
5. Twisted: The Untold Story of a Royal Vizier
The musical to draw in the Disney fans. The tale based on the style of Wicked for the story of Aladdin. What do you think Agrabah looked like from Jafar’s eyes? Did he have a wife? Did he start out bad or was it thrust upon him (forgive the pun)? How does this story look from the eyes of the “villain”? Don’t forget, they reference so many Disney movies your head will be spinning with the remembrances of your childhood. There is no question that this will be one of those musicals where you just love the entire thing. The story, the quality, the characters, the actors, etc. Just. All of the love.
The musical that is based on a game so many people played, but would never admit they did. The musical that is all too true to everyone’s experience with the game. The characters were named by the audience members, just like if you were playing the game in real life. If you can get a broken arm, attacked by a bear, and die from dehydration in one game—then you will appreciate this musical. Not to mention the music is amazing. You can’t avoid your childhood forever. No need to mention the quality--if earlier musicals can tell you how great it will be in that aspect. Don’t worry. You also get to choose the ending you want. There are 5 different endings that they recorded! You can get a new story every time you watch it!
And soon to come is Firebringer! This will be their newest musical and I am positive it will not disappoint as it is about the cavemen and the beginning of mankind, basically. I am so grateful that I got to be a part of their Kickstarter because I will be able to know that I helped StarKid produce at least one of their musicals.
Once a StarKid, always a StarKid.