Even though I call myself a writer, I suck at focusing long enough to write. I have a little process every time I write something. Whether it’s an article or an academic paper, I go through the same process of randomness before actually sitting down and writing. The process, let’s call it my ‘5 Stages of Writing,’ will last over the course of a couple days. Or even a couple of hours depending on how I feel. Most of the time, it is over the course of a couple of hours.
Stage 1: Procrastinating
I don’t know why, but I will always procrastinate when it comes to writing. I think it’s odd because I really do love writing. I just like to procrastinate doing it. That being said, I know when my deadlines are. I really do. It is very rare for me to forget a deadline or a due date for assignments. I just choose the last possible time frame to do it. This stage has put me in some serious trouble at some point though. Waiting for the last minute to write an academic paper is never a good idea. But I have done it, multiple times. You would think I would learn my lesson after the first time, right?
Stage 2: Brainstorming
My brainstorming takes forever. I would take an idea and run with it, until I hit a wall. Then I go back to finding another topic, starting it, then hitting another wall with that idea. This goes on until I actually find a topic that I can actually work with. So, that is usually the fourth or fifth idea I come up with.
Stage 3: Distractions
After feeling like I actually accomplished something, I would reward myself with a break. It’s usually like 2-3 hours of Netflix. I’m currently in the middle of watching "Friends" and it is incredible. If not Netflix, I would sleep. Sleep is nice. Distractions are usually the death of me because it just makes procrastinating a lot easier.
Stage 4: Outlining
After taking forever to brainstorm what I will write about, I actually start outlining what I am writing. And by that, I just mean I write down the two to three things I need to discuss in the article and find the best way to convey the actual meaning. Out of my entire process, this is probably the most productive part because I am actively planning what I am going to write.