It's finally here, you're senior year of college! You're excited, nervous, tired and ready to graduate but still in denial about all of your student loans. You're kinda considered an adult (who eats Ramen and still asks your parents for money), but nevertheless, this is our last year to have the college experience. As you flash back in your mind, you wonder where all the time went. It seems like just yesterday you were meeting your awkward freshman roommate for the first time and thinking how you'll survive without your friends at your school. Nevertheless, senior year is the best year. You have senior trips, events and you know the campus like the back of your hand. Not to mention you rule the school.
Stage 1: "OMG! I'm a Senior!"
This is the first stage when you finally realize that this is the last year that you'll be in college. Whether you're going to grad school or straight to work, you're finally going to be considered a functional member of society after graduation day. You look at all of your friends and wonder how you're going to live without your midnight pizza runs and late night binge watching. I's excitement and nervousness all in one!
Stage 2: "Shit, I'm a Senior..."
You finally realize that procrastinating, late night drinking and asking your parents for money is quickly going to become a distant memory. Now, you have to pretend you're a functional member of society. Where did the four years go? Everything went by so fast! Did I pick the right major? What am I going to do with my life? *starts internally creaming*
Stage 3: "What am I going to do with my life?"
You're wondering if you'll ever use your degree. You wonder if you'll depend on your parents forever. You're so broke that buying that morning late was considered a splurge. You start asking 100,000 questions in your mind: Will I get an apartment? Will I live at home? How do I become a professional Ben & Jerry's flavor tester? Is that even possible?
Stage 4: "...Maybe I can do this!"
OK, deep breath. Maybe you did chose the right major. Maybe you're just freaking out because graduation is a mere blink away. You flash back to how hard you worked, countless hours spent in the library and countless tears studying. Maybe you do got this!
Stage 5: "Bow down bitches! I'm a Senior."
I'm gonna have the best senior year ever. Just don't freak out and maybe you can pull this off. Is everyone else freaking out like I am? OK, just play it cool. No one will notice.
Whether you're a senior in high school or college, we all go through these 5 stages with senior year in some way. We all freak out about the future. No ones likes change, but it has to happen. Whatever your path you just need to trust that you have chosen the right one and this is another chapter in your life. Just remember, college and real life is scary. But it's still socially acceptable to be in unsure. You can be an adult (while still asking your parents for help!)