Having a little more than three months off for summer break is an exciting thing to think about when were dragging through the last month or two of the Spring semester. Everyone gets hyped up for summer, no more finals, no more classes at 8 a.m., and no more crappy cafeteria food. But by the time it hits July, most of us are ready to go back.
1. Summer Hype
Those few minutes is "High School Musical 2' just tell it all. Once the mid-spring semester hits, you are ready to pack up and go home. You sit there counting down the days until you finally get to go home and see your dog, and the friends that you left behind at home.
2. You get home and just prepare to catch up on the sleep finals didn't allow you to have
Finals week and the weeks leading up tend to be the weeks that you get less and less sleep as the days approach. Professors assign papers all at once, and lets not forget about the 11 page lab report that's due all on the same day as your finals and lets not forget about the process of packing everything up to go home. So by the time you get home, you just want to sleep.
3. You have an expectation of summer being nothing but eventful
Summer can be expected to be filled with nothing but adventure and fun and doing new things. But sometimes when reality hits, you realize you have no money, and there is never really anything to do in your town. So nights will usually consist of doing the same thing or pulling out your jar of change to switch it up a bit.
4. Family Vacation
Usually summer will consist of one or two vacations with your family, whether its down the shore for a week or a few days or an amusement park. That will leave one thing to look forward to but once it comes and goes, you get back home, and you are back where you started, trying to find something to do. But, hey, at least you are tan.
5. When is the first day of classes?
It is now mid-summer and you are just waiting to move back in or get back into the routine of classes because there is just nothing else to do. I am sure we will all regret the thought of wanting to go back to school once we get passed syllabus week.