So school has begun for me, really and truly. Perhaps you haven't started yet or maybe you've already been in class for a bit. Either way, I hope that these cats will help you and possibly heal you as you make your way through the beginning of the semester.
1. Denial.
If there was a mirror behind your alarm clock, this is the face you would see as you wake up. Clearly that cat is crying out for one more minute of sleep. After this photo was taken, you can bet the blankets went back on and this kitty went back to pretending vacation was still on.
2. Anger.
Why do I have to get out of bed?! Who ever said this whole school thing was even a good idea? Not me! No sir! And everyone better stay out my way cause I ready to claw anybody who stands near me long enough.
3. Bargaining.
It's only syllabus week, why even go? I could just stay in bed. I'll even clean my room! I'll work on that project I've been meaning to do! I'll do anything not to drag myself to campus. God, anything to put this off.
4. Depression.
The glistening eyes of this cat say it all.
5. Acceptance.
You get dressed, grab a slice of toast on your way out, and allow the reality of school to take hold. You are braver, stronger now than you were when you first woke up. Grief is not a linear process, but in this moment, you know you probably won't spontaneously combust before you make it to class. Hold on tight, only four months to go.
6. The Return of Joy (BONUS).
Right now it seems impossible but let this dog made of unadulterated happiness remind you that, perhaps, there is hope. Or at least crunchy leaves.