You bought your tickets months, or even days in advanced. You are getting ready to meet your favorite band, singer, or any celebrity for that matter. While getting ready, everything is setting in that you are meeting someone famous that you love, and maybe even getting to talk to him, her or a group for maybe a minute or a while. No matter the case, everyone pretty much goes through these stages of meeting famous people.
1. The Nerves
You may be on your way to the venue; it may be the night before, but your stomach is not settled in any way. Your mind is probably still trying to contemplate the fact that you are on your way to meet someone who you may look up to, or someone who is just very talented. Your stomach is in knots anticipating what is to come.
2. Restlessness
Maybe it's the car ride, or waiting outside the venue to meet this person, but you cannot seem to sit still. Sure, there may still be butterflies in your tummy, but that is not the main focus right now. You have been waiting from the moment you found them and fell in love with them. Sure, you only bought the tickets not too long ago, but you finally are able to find a good time to meet them.
3. Overwhelmed
You walk into the venue and your heart is pounding. There are so many people. You may see the person you're meeting already in there, or you may not. It is hot and dark and you have no idea. Anything can happen, and you just want to be able to meet them.
4. Starstruck
You are finally able to meet them. Your heart is pounding and let's face it, you are starstruck. You are talking, hugging, taking pictures, and just all around having a good time, but are nervous as well. When they compliment something about you or just talk about life in general, it is the best moment of your life.
5. Enjoying
Maybe you are able to watch that person perform if they are singers, or maybe it's someone internet famous you get to watch be themselves, or maybe they are chefs and you get to watch them cook in front of you. Anyhow, you are enjoying watching them do something they love.
6. Doesn't feel real
The day/night is over. The event doesn't even feel like it happened. The only thing you have left are the memories you have made with that famous person and trying to remember it. It all may have felt like a dream, but it wasn't, and hopefully there are pictures so that everyone knows it did happen!