Facing the reality of paying back student loans can be rather daunting. I lately came to the thought of paying back student loans and grief have
1. Denial
I may have gotten a promotion at work since I graduated in September and now being considered to be employed full-time, it had nothing to do with my degree. I know I am not the only retail employee with a college degree, but that does not make me feel better when it comes to having to pay student loans when I make less than $2000 a month.
2. Anger
I often wonder how and why I did not realize exactly how much loans I had taken out in student loans over almost three years. I estimated that I look out thousands less than the actual amount and I never bothered to add up exactly what I took out until a month or so again. Ignorance is not always bliss, especially when it comes to finances.
3. Bargaining
I have been on my plan servicer repayment website and app contemplating all of the different payment plans available to me. I have considered either doing an interest-driven repayment plan or as a last resort, to defer them for another six months while I tackle some other bills I need to take care of first. Decisions, decisions, decisions.
4. Depression
The idea of paying loans back for a minimum of ten years royally sucks. I am almost 30 and have other bills and debts to pay, and my income is not that significant right now. The idea of growing up to work to pay bills for the rest of my life does not sound so great at all. Money may not buy happiness, but it would solve my money problem.
5. Acceptance
In the end, I took out the loans to get this degree. Whether or not it helps me get a better job, which I hope it eventually does, I still have to repay the money I took out to help make this degree happen. It probably has no shot of being paid off in ten years, but I will hopefully pay them off, eventually.