As the spring semester begins, sorority women everywhere are realizing one of the most terrifying things in all creation: my big is graduating; I only have one semester left with her.
She might be moving across the country, taking a new job to skyrocket her career, or starting grad school. Of course, you are so proud and excited for her. Even if she is still in town post-grad, you worry about changes to come and how you will ever be as hella-tight as she is. Here are the universal signs that you are experiencing your big graduating.
1. Denial.You choose to ignore the impending graduation. Family dinners will go on, as always, into eternity. You might revert to your freshman behavior of getting too drunk together at frat parties in order to convince yourselves college is forever. In fact, graduation does not even seem real. Phrases often include, "I can't believe you're graduating!" and "You're not graduating."
2. Anger.You get irrationally angry at everything. How dare she leave you for the real world? It is not like the real world is prettier or nicer than you. After all, the real world is like Taco Bell: you crave it and it sounds like a good idea, but in the end it's all crap. Who actually wants to be an adult? How does she not understand that?
3. Bargaining.Your attempts to be super nice, in order to make her stay, don't work. She gives you her old t-shirts to appease you. It works temporarily.
4. Depression. You look at each other with teary eyes during rituals. Return to denial phase. Much ice cream and Netflix are consumed during this phase.
5. Acceptance. Eventually, you come to terms with the fact that your big is graduating and that, one day, you too will have to leave your precious little as the head of your family. Although she might be moving on from her undergraduate career, there is nothing in this world that can separate your big/little bond. Besides, graduation is just another excuse to party together.