If you've ever been a dancer, you know the feeling. Either your studio is closed for the holidays, or you came home from school and don't have practice every day and you're completely and utterly lost. You're empty inside. The only thing that can fix it is, well, dancing, but the living room floor just doesn't cut it.
If you've never been a dancer, I'm sorry but you just don't understand. It's like a temporary state of mourning. Read on to better relate to your dancer friends.
Here are the five stages of dance withdrawal, and how to tell if your descent into madness is caused by none other than the inability to dance.
1. Denial
You're actually quite happy that you don't have to go to dance tonight. After all, it will give your muscles time to repair themselves. Maybe you'll even use your usual dance time to take a bubble bath to treat your muscles to some extra rest and relaxation. Plus, who wants to walk or drive all the way to the studio in the cold anyways? You'll just enjoy your time inside tonight.
2. Boredom
The cabin fever is starting to set in, and you're starting to realize that you have nothing to do tonight. If you were at school, you would be going to dance, but since you're not.. well.. you could craft something…?
"Oh, its tuesday! I have dance tonight!"
"Wait. It's vacation. I don't have dance tonight."
3. Cleaning
You tell your parents you're going to go clean your room and you head in there with good intentions. You pick up a few things, maybe dust off your dresser.. then you see them. Your dance shoes from years gone by are patiently awaiting your love in a box somewhere in your closet. You take them out and find a few of your old favorites, even a few that might still fit. Instant joy.
4. Music
You play a little bit of music to pass the time. It could be holiday music, random radio stations, or your own personal playlists. Then, you hear it. That song. You might have had a routine to it at some point in your life, or you think it would be great to choreograph with. You immediately drop everything you're doing and dance. It doesn't matter where you are or who you're with, you just HAVE to dance to that song.
5. Full Out Breakdown
Not dancing for this long is killing you, so you finally go crazy. You cope by dancing all the time, watching dance videos for hours on Youtube, and rearranging your furniture so you have more room to dance. You start a countdown for the days until you can get into a real studio again, and you end up choreographing several routines in your head. You might even break out the good old knee pads and try some tricks. Don't worry, your pets think everything looks great.