Change is inevitable. It happens to us daily whether we know it or not. Some people embrace change and welcome it with open arms. Others (like me) don't usually see it like this. Change is scary. We are being thrown into a different situation that we have never faced before. It's terrifying when we don't know what to accept. May is a time for change. High school and college students alike will be taking off their caps and throwing them in the air in just a few short weeks, celebrating a new chapter of their lives that will soon be taking place. Friends will be going separate ways and the fun times of summer will begin. Accepting change has stages for every person.
The first stage is avoidance. It hasn't really hit you that the change is going to happen soon. One of your friends begins to talk about their summer plans, and it takes all of you not to vomit all over the table. You refuse to accept the fact that your friends are graduating. You don't know how to be an adult. How does one make actual meals instead of relying on the cafeteria for food every night?! You just aren't ready for this big change.
Next comes denial. You'll wake up one morning and realize that what you've been dreading has finally arrived. It washes over you and you can't control it. The memories start hitting and then it's all downhill from there. Oh, that song on the radio? Brings you to tears. That flower on the sidewalk? Reminds you of your sorority. That paralyzing "what will my life be like now?" makes you just want to lay in bed and watch Hulu.
That random burst of joy that can't be explained
Then comes that random burst of happiness. It's like that time onGrey's Anatomy when Sloan had that surge of energy before he passed away from his injuries in that plane crash (which I'm still bitter about). You aren't worried about the future. You will keep in contact with everyone. Life will be great. It's the end of the school year. Finals are done. Why not go tell that boy you like that you want to have his children? Why not go streaking across campus? You have plenty of options and only a few more days left to accomplish those goals.
But listen to your friends when they tell you that doing these things is probably not the best idea you've had all year.
The fourth stage is fear for the future. You've been in school for the past, like, 15 years. What are you going to do now? Now, you won't be able to put down "student" as your occupation. You will actually-maybe-possibly have a job?! THIS IS SCARY. Mom and Dad won't be there to fix your problems as much. You won't be able to just roll out of bed 10 minutes before class and still make it there on time. Oh, the horror!
And finally, acceptance
The day has arrived. You did it! It took a lot to survive those countless all-nighters, friend drama and long hours in a car driving home. Celebrate! It's a great feeling to have your friends around you wishing you good luck. Take a moment in the day and look around at all you've accomplished. Whether it be looking down at your hard-earned diploma or looking around at your friends laughing, cherish this time. Just because things are changing and it's scary, know your friends will still be there. You always have calling and text messaging. Don't worry, Homecoming is only five months away!