I love thinkers, writers, philosophers, and pretty much anyone who thinks outside the box and speaks the truth. Those who have alternate perspectives, those who look at situations differently, fascinate me. I feel they open up our minds to new ideas, thoughts and theories. I myself love interpretations, for you may take it how you want and there is not necessarily a right or wrong answer. That is why my two favorite forms of creative communication are poetry or spoken word and music or songs. I will list a diverse combination of five songs and spoken word poetry which will make you think deeply about life and its many attributes.
1. "To This Day" by Shane Coyczan
This is a poem about bullying and those who have been bullied. Written and performed so beautifully, this poem sends a powerful message to anyone who has felt alone, unloved, unappreciated. This poem speaks to me deeply for it reminds me that we are all powerful and each day we live we become stronger.
2. "Ill Mind Of Hopsin 5" by Hopsin
The rapper Hopsin takes a serious take on his segments "Ill Mind of Hopsin" in which he talks about the more important issues of life. In this one, he raps about today's youth and society when it comes to roles of the youth and their decisions. He goes in depth about today's rap and hip-hop music and its effect on society.
3. "Ironic" by Alanis Morissette
This lyrically descriptive song paints an image of the ironies of life. Enough said.
4. "I Will Not Let An Exam Result Decide My Fate" by Suli Breaks
This is especially for students everywhere. Spoken word artist Suli Breaks talks about standardized tests in schools. He stresses that they arebiased due to the fact that each and every one of us is different yet we are cramming and stressing over an exam that will not matter in our futures.
5. "Body Love" by Mary Lambert
In "Body Love," the singer Mary Lambert talks about women of all shapes and sizes and their bodies. She touches on the serious issue of anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, bingeing and purging, depression and cutting but, most importantly, body shaming and body positivity. This is a message we have all heard before in one form or another but it does no harm to hear more. Ladies, we are all beautiful. Love your bumps, curves, and bruises.