1. The cute new boy/girl who assures you that they’re “not like the rest.”
If they say they aren’t going to screw you over and hurt you like everyone else did, they’re probably going to do just that… And it’s probably going to hurt even more.
2. The family member who stalks your social media for the sole purpose of finding dirt to send to your parents.
So yeah, this is most likely going to be a catty aunt who is jealous because her kids aren’t as cool as the kids your parents were blessed with.
3. The ex-boyfriend/girlfriend who comes back into your life begging for another chance because they’ve “changed” and that “things will be different.”
PSA: People don’t magically change and quit being lying cheaters overnight.
4. The professor who gives comprehensive finals.
Remember when you thought your professor was super chill at the beginning of the semester because they never assigned papers or presentations? Well, now you have to make up for the lack of assignments with a comprehensive final. Oh, and you won’t be getting a study guide.
5. The “friend” who posts incredibly unflattering photos of you to make themselves appear more attractive.
Okay so if you’re friends with someone who does this, they’re a shitty friend and you should probably stop talking to them. Like, now.