With many stories surfacing about the effects of climate change and how our home is deteriorating, here are some small, simple things we can do to make a difference.
1. Use reusable bags when shopping
Plastic is a huge issue and causes a lot of damage to the environment and many animals. One thing we can do is reduce the use of plastic bags. Many grocery store sell re-usable bags for a very low price (usually under a $1). Using these bags are beneficial for the environment and make it easier to carry grocery items since they are more sturdy and durable.
2. Stop buying plastic water bottles
Again, plastic is BAD. Instead, buy one re-usable plastic or glass water bottle. Not only will you save money by doing so, you will be helping the environment as well, it’s a win, win!
3. Plant something
Planting a small tree or even flowers can help the environment. Plants take up Carbon Dioxide in the air and release Oxygen and Water. Yes we need carbon dioxide but not the amount we currently have on Earth (you can check out some facts about the rise of Carbon Dioxide on climate.nasa.gov). Not only would you be helping the environment, you would be making your house pretty as well!
4. Pick up some trash
If you’re walking down the street and see some trash on the ground, pick it up! I know it may seem gross but who knows where it will end up. This is especially important around beaches and parks where animals live. Many ingest trash and can get sick and die from it. You’re also benefiting by making the area look nicer!
5. Walk/bike more