Two cups of coffee day WILL keep the doctor away! Contrary to what you may think, coffee has many benefits, as do lots of other things that grow out of the ground, as long as you don't drink 40 ounces of it a day with six packs of sugar.
1. May protect against type 2 diabetes
Drinking coffee increases the hormone SHBG (sex hormone-binding globulin) which controls part of the development of type 2 diabetes. A Harvard study discovered that that participants who increased their coffee intake by more than one cup a day had a 11% lower type 2 diabetes risk. (
2. Drinking coffee in moderation protects against heart failure
Drinking 2 cups of coffee a day has been found to (slightly) increase protection against heart failure by the Harvard School of Public Health. After doing five studies around the world including over 140,000 participants, only a little over 6,000 had experienced some sort of heart failure. Although they are still trying to figure out the logistics, it seems this study could lead to something groundbreaking in what does and does not cause heart failure. (
3. Helps skin with antioxidant
Coffee has certain antioxidants (similar to those in fruit) called flavonoids that fight “premature aging of the skin due to heat, light, pollution, and damaging free radicals.”
4. Reduces under-eye puffiness
The caffeine in coffee helps reduce the puffiness by restricting blood flow to the area and reducing swelling.
For point 3 and 4, here’s a perfect face mask to help boost your skin!
1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil
1/2 teaspoon finely ground coffee
Directions can be found here! (
5. Hair Growth
Coffee stimulates the hair roots and improving the structure and help them grow. It blocks the effect of DHT, which is a hormone that can cause baldness or hair loss. Do this by rubbing a handful of coffee into your scalp and rinse after 15 minutes, then use your favorite shampoo and conditioner and you’re good to go! (
As said before, the key to having coffee as an actual benefit is moderation. I personally like to drink one cup of coffee a day (typically 8-12oz) with nothing in it but almond milk. You can add some raw sugar for flavor, but I have grown accustomed to the less sweet taste.