My two older twin sisters have been there for me since day one; they have picked me up from school, helped me with my homework, and given me countless advice on how to be the best that I can possibly be! Here are just a few quintessential things they have taught me that I have shaped my character.
1. Surround yourself with positive people.
There are always those in our lives that have negative attitudes and seem to have knack for bringing everyone down. My sisters have always encouraged me to find friends who want to the make the most out of life and maintain the drive to constantly improve themselves.
2. Be successful for yourself and not for others.
Don't strive for an A or the highest grade in the class just so that you can hold it over your fellow classmates heads. Take pride in your educational experience for yourself so that you can achieve great things.
3. Put yourself out there.
Join various clubs, join a sorority, go for that participate in as many things as you can so that you can explore your interests and meet new people!
4. Be comfortable in your own skin.
My sisters always taught me to never compare myself to others because you will never consider yourself to be good enough and find flaws where there are none. Accept yourself for the beautiful mess that you are!
5. Know that sisters are for life.
Even though we all live in different states, my sisters are only a phone call away which is extremely comforting during midterms, finals, and other stressful points of college but as soon as I hear their voices, I know everything will be alright.