IT'S THE MOST WONDERFUL TIME OF THE YEAR! There'll be parties for hosting, marshmallows for toasting, and caroling out in the snow. Or for my fellow college students in Georgia: finals to study for, delicious dining hall meals (jk), and snow on television.
Since finals and the Christmas season overlap, it's hard to survive the first and enjoy the second while maintaining your sense of sanity and a decent sleep schedule. So without further ado, here are some college-budget friendly ideas on how to decorate your dorm & embrace the Christmas spirit!
1. Christmas Trees
While it would be more than ideal to have a mini-Christmas tree in the corner of your dorm, the reality is dorm living is not spacious enough to accommodate even a 3-foot tree. If your dorm is large enough to fit a mini-Christmas tree, I envy you and please skip to the next paragraph. One of the largest undecorated surface areas in the dorm is your door. Pick up some green sticky notes and arrange them on the door in a (you guessed it) Christmas tree shape!! For only $2 or $3 a pack, this is a simple and fast way to add a large decoration. If you're willing to splurge, buy some sticky notes in another color and let friends add "ornaments" with hand-written notes.
2. Wreaths
Nothing beats the smell of a fresh-cut pine bough curled into a circle welcoming guests into a home. But since you're in a dorm and wreaths are expensive, this is not the best option. Instead, pick up a pack of red Solo cups from the grocery store, grab a hot glue gun, and add a ribbon. What else says Christmas and college better than a red Solo cup wreath?? If red Solo cups aren't quite your style, you could use a cardboard circle and some sparkly bows instead!
3. Snowman
Since dorm kitchens aren't always the nicest and you can't always trust your hallmates not to steal your food, most college students have a mini-fridge in their dorm. If you don't already have a ton of pictures stuck on the front, this is the perfect place to welcome Frosty in your room! With a couple simple printed cutouts and a pair of scissors, this is a 10-15 minute craft that fits in easily between study breaks and holiday parties! Here are some printable snowman pieces.
4. Snowflakes
Now I don't mean the basic snowflake you made in Kindergarten that your mother said looked "great" as you made one every three minutes. It's time to get fancy with some 3D snowflakes which will definitely outshine any of your friends' regular 2D snowflakes. You know the deal, grab some scissors and some paper and get to cutting. Hang the finished product in front of your window, on the will, or on the ceiling.
5. Christmas Smells & Snacks
Nothing says Christmas like the smell of a fresh-cut tree, warm gingerbread, or your mom's fancy candle collection. Since you can't fit a tree in your dorm, you don't have a whole lot of time to bake, or have access to a ton of expensive candles that your RA won't let you burn, you need an alternative solution. A simple homemade option is to fill mason jar with cinnamon sticks and olive oil to diffuse the scent of spicy cinnamon. If you want something from the store, check out Bath & Body Work's wallflowers and room sprays . For less than $5 a scent, it's an easy smoke-free option to add scent to your dorm! If you're feeling a little fancier, White Barn has the same products with a better scent selection.
Hopefully these ideas will make your dorm feel more like a home for the holidays!