As the new year rolls around (Monday of course, not actually Jan. 1), it is easy to make petty, unimportant New Year's resolutions or improvements for a better you come 2016, although you have no true intentions or desire to follow through with them. At times, I would ask myself why these resolutions are considered so hard to achieve. But now I know.
There are certain resolutions that are too broad, complicated or familiar to even consider fulfilling, So this year, let's keep it simple. Live a simpler life, let simple things be your main source of happiness, and allow only people who support that simple life and happiness into your life. On top of these things, here are just a few ways to make 2016 your happiest year yet.
1. Eliminate people and things that no longer bring joy to your life.
We’ve all heard the saying “a lot can happen in a year,” but do we really understand that? Throughout the last 365 days, I have learned that people change, and so do your own interests. Perhaps in 2016, there are people whom you do not wish to have in your life, who you no longer enjoy being around or spending time with. You need to quit wasting your precious time and make new friendships, or simply have the courage to let go of things that once brought you down.
2. Make a list of accomplishments from the year before.
You may not realize it, but despite any struggles or bumps in the road in the year 2015, odds are you have plenty to be proud of. Whether the accomplishments are big or small, and regardless if others are even aware of them, write them down. By doing this, you embark on a new journey, in a new year, on a positive note feeling uplifted and confident
3. Spend money on an experience, rather than merchandise.
Especially with the temptations of online shopping these days, saving money can be a difficult task. However, at the end of the day, the knowledge gained and memories made from taking the trip of a lifetime will result in a true happiness that no merchandise will be able to provide. Whether you are employed or not, create a savings account of some sort, in which you are continuously contributing to in order to afford a long awaited journey or trip instead of the latest fashion trend or Apple product.
4. Set goals.
We have all heard this one before. After realizing that going into last semester I had made very few goals for myself, I understand that in order to be more successful, more organized and happier, in general, I must set goals capable of achieving. Whether it be to get out of bed before 10 a.m. every day, take on a new hobby, read X number of pages in a book not related to school each night. The most important part of this task is to document these goals and hold oneself accountable for either achieving or not achieving them by tracking weekly progress made.
5. Do things for you, not for other people.
Now that does not mean to succumb to the selfishness of this world; but instead, exercise, eat healthy, smile often, and do whatever ever else you like to do, for you. Don’t workout to impress others, do it so you feel accomplished when you look in the mirror and like what you see.