Chances are, you know of the environmental movement taking storm here in the US. People of all backgrounds are coming together and fighting for a change in our plastic hungry, energy ignorant culture. So, how can you make a change, without uprooting your life?
1. Take shorter showers.
According to Boston University, "If you shorten your shower by 2 minutes, you can cut your water use by 10 gallons." That is 3,600 gallons saved per year per person! Earth's drinkable water supply is diminishing, so do your part in conserving it with this super easy change!
2. Use a reusable straw.
Single-use plastic straws are horrible for the environment! The US alone uses 500 million plastic straws a day. When you get drinks at restaurants insist on no straws for the table, and if you love to use straws (as do I) buy one or a pack of reusable straws to take with you everywhere. I personally keep a straw in my purse and in my backpack. Join movements like #pledgeagainstplasticstraws and #thelastplasticstraw to help stop plastic pollution!
3. STOP buying bottled water!
About 200 billion plastic water bottles are made every year globally, and where do they end up? In our oceans and beaches, and in our landfills. A simple solution for this is to buy and use a reusable water bottle. I own a hydro flask (I know, basic Boulder girl) and I LOVE it! I carry it everywhere with me and not only is it more convenient and makes me drink more water, it also tastes better than out of plastic (I swear!).
4. Turn off lights when you aren't using them!
Now, this seems self-explanatory, but I see this happen ALL THE TIME! Turning off lights is such a simple way to save energy (ps. and save you money). I know we all fall victims to this, but we should all try to make a habit of turning everything off when they are not in use or if you leave the room.
5. Walk more, drive less.
I know, this is easier said than done, but transportation is the biggest contributor to pollution in the U.S. Carpooling to work and school can significantly lower car emission rates. So ask your friends, co-workers, roommates to delegate times where you guys take turns driving each other. Walking or biking to places near you can also really add up over time, and make you a healthier individual!
I could go on and on about the changes you can make in your life to help the environment, but I really wanted to just state the simplest ones you can do, starting today. Earththanks you!