There are many times in your life that you may realize that you are totally and completely the little sister. Whether you’re the youngest of 5 or you only have one older sister that is going out of her way to be incredibly annoying on Facebook, there are some things you cannot escape.
1. At one point in time, you have questioned whether or not you were actually wearing your own clothes.
It's really not a Gossip Girl moment when you're going through your closet trying to find that one sweater that will look great with your dark jeans and your new boots, but such sweater is not in your closet or any of your drawers (you've looked). The only possible answer is that your sister totally stole it and wore it. You can't help that you have way more style than her, but can't she shop out of her own closet? I mean, you've totally never, ever, ever worn anything of your sister's...
2. When someone compares you to your sister and you automatically throw up in your mouth.
There are moments when you want to be compared to your sister like when they're talking about beauty or smarts or something like that, but then there are times when you automatically get downgraded because you're the younger one. You know you're on your own path to happiness and your sister is on hers, but we get it people, we have the same genes and parents and look similar.3. Your older sibling set the standard of how far to push your parents.
Your parents would never say no to you because you're the baby of the family but to your older sibling? They've experienced all the frustrations, mostly because they've pushed the limits of your parents' patience. You have watched countless arguments lost and know exactly what you can and can't do while still living in your parents' house.
4. You have someone you can text at all times and get advice.
There have been times when you're down in the dumps and there is no one that understands your situation. And then there is your sibling. They understand that you can be emotionally numb and sometimes can get walked all over by people. Your sibling understands how easily your heart can get hurt, and refuse to blame you (they blame that trashy boy you somehow dated for a few months in college).5. At the end of the day, no matter how much you fight, you will always have your older sibling.
There are arguments almost daily about people you find attractive, whether you really look alike, or who has the better job, but there are also moments when they're the only person you want to talk to and hang out with. They understand where you come from and why you turned out the way that you do, and they still love you no matter what.