Truth be told, every "Sex and the City" addict can relate to Miranda, Carrie, Charlotte and even Samantha. We are all driven like Miranda, shopaholics like Carrie, romantic like Charlotte and feisty like Samantha.
But here are five signs you're the MOST like Miranda:
1. You're driven.
You work harder than everyone around you. You spend long hours making sure everything is perfect. But men don't want a strong, independent woman. Don't pretend to be a stewardess because the male population is afraid of the law firm partner that you are. Be proud of your success. It sucks, but one day you'll find someone who is confident enough in himself to handle all that you have to offer. Yes, you're intimidating, but don't apologize. It will save you from wasting time on the wrong guys. And honestly, you have better things to do.
2. You have commitment issues.
You've committed so much time to yourself, your career, and your own apartment. You have your own routine and you don't like change. So you push people away. You just need a Steve to call you out on it and help you relax a bit. You will learn to accept change when you find someone that balances you out.
3. You're not afraid to speak your mind.
You're bold and you don't have a filter. If your friend asks if their dress makes them look fat you'd tell them their fat makes them look fat. (Okay maybe not, but you'd tell them to look for other dresses.) You are probably going to hurt people's feelings because the truth hurts. So know when to bite your tongue but don't become mute. Your true friends will appreciate your brutal honesty because they know they can trust that what you're saying is the truth.
4. You have no regrets
If you're a true fan, you remember the episode where Miranda ate cake out of the garbage. It was too relatable and you were a little worried for yourself. But you don't live life with regrets. So do what you want and no one has to know. No shame.
5. You're not pessimistic, you're realistic
It's not self-deprecating. You're honest with yourself. You set your expectations low and so you're never disappointed, well you're never really disappointed.