For all of those students who find themselves 500-miles from home. To any one who chose to jump ship and move away from their familiar surroundings. Here are some signs that you go to school out of your home state;
1. Going home is a big deal
Whether you're only a state away or across the country, chances are you don't go home that often. Thanksgiving, Winter break and Spring Break are the time off from school you look forward to the most. Not only is it expensive, but also time consuming to travel back. You envy the weekend trips your roommates back to their hometowns an hour away.
2. You Get Asked, "Why'd You Come Here?" All. The. Time.
Unless your university is known for a specific major or field of study, chances are people don't automatically know why in the world why you would choose to leave your state to go to school. So, you're constantly explaining yourself. It gets old.
3. Not Relating To Hometown Stories
If your roommates are from the same city or went to close high schools, there's always stories to be told. Naturally, since you didn't live in the same state, you can't relate or contribute to the conversations. It's okay, though, because there are so many new ones to be made with yourself included.
4. Over Packing 100% For Move-In Day
Will I need this scarf? Well, I won't be coming home for five months, so yes. Can I go without these shoes? Who knows the next time I'll see them again, so of course I need to bring them. Since you're so far away from home, it's hard to know exactly what you'll actually need and what you can go without. So why not bring it all. (Maybe apologize to your roommate if you're reading this).
5. Laundry.
You're forced to actually do it on your own every time. Unless you go to a friends' hometown, your only option is to do it yourself. Maybe you check a bag at the airport full of dirty clothes, but I don't recommend that.
While it might seem like there are struggles of going to school out-of-state, there are definitely many positive things that come out of it. You're immersed into a different area that forces you to go out of your comfort zone on a daily basis. Being forced to stay until break makes you establish yourself. Going to college away from home also sometimes gives you a bigger appreciation for where you're from.