It’s hard enough being an introvert, but trying to balance the two can be a nightmare. While one side of your brain wants to go out and see the world, the other side wants to stay in bed and watch movies. Everyone has their own special blend of the two opposites, but here are a few signs you’re an introvert with an extroverted tendency. If you find yourself identifying with one or more of these situations, you may end up being an extroverted introvert.
It’s hard to choose between your friends and Netflix.
When a friend texts you asking if you want to hang out, you face a dilemma. Do you stay in your bed where it’s warm and keep watching TV, or do you suck it up, get dressed, and have fun? Having fun may not seem like such a bad option, but it does require a lot more effort than the alternative. And if being social doesn’t come naturally to you, going out poses an even greater challenge. Forcing yourself to be social may drain your batteries and exhaust you, but at the end of the day, it’s always worth it to hang out with your friends.
You’d rather have a small group of close friends than know a lot of people.
It’s nice to feel popular and to feel like everyone knows who you are. But if you’re introverted at all, a small group of close friends is going to be more up your alley. With close friends, being social doesn’t drain you as much. It’s easier to be yourself around them because they make you feel comfortable. As a matter of fact, you’re close friends are almost an extension of your comfort zone. And, it’s just nice having that close knit group of people who support you.
Parties are a challenge.
The extroverted side of you wants to go out, meet people, and be adventurous, but the introverted side doesn’t know how to and is quick to retreat. It takes some time and practice to get used to the party scene, and even then, it can still be a struggle.
Alone time is a necessity.
At things like parties or big events, even if you want to be there, you still end up feeling drained once it’s all over. You need time alone to recharge and just be by yourself. It may take you a couple hours to recharge or it could take you a whole day. But that time spent alone is integral to your overall happiness. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to tackle the rest of the day, let alone the week.
You’re a better listener than a talker.
As an extroverted introvert, you like talking as much as the next person, but it may not come as easily as it does for someone who’s naturally extroverted. It’s far easier to listen and bounce off of other people than it is to hold up a conversation by yourself. This is why you’re a much better listener than a talker. Being on the receiving end lets you talk when you find the opportunity to but doesn’t push you to keep it up.