If you have a fruit addiction the first thing to do is admit it. It’s nothing to be ashamed of; fruit addictions happen to the best of us. After admitting your fruit addiction, do what any sane person would do: eat more fruit! It’s not a bad addiction to feed — except for the fact that some fruit can be a bit pricey and you might OD on sugar, but that’s beside the point. If you’re currently trying to decide whether or not you’re addicted to fruit, look no further; the following signs of fruit addiction will clear things up for you.
1. You crave fruit.
It doesn’t matter what time of day it is or what you’ve already eaten today; you want some fruit (and you want it now!). Why have chips, cookies or pretzels when you could have fruit?
2. You spend more time shopping in the produce section of the grocery store than the rest of the store combined.
There are just so many fruit options and you want them all. How on earth are you supposed to choose only a couple to buy? You have to decide whether you should get a couple of more expensive fruits (i.e. blackberries, raspberries, cherries) or get an array of cheaper fruits (bananas, watermelon, oranges i.e.). So many decisions, so much time in the produce section.
3. You want other foods in fruit flavors.
Forget fun ice cream flavors like double chocolate fudge or chocolate chip cookie dough; you want fruit flavored ice cream. Strawberry, peach, cherry, it doesn’t matter, as long as it tastes like fruit. But make sure it isn’t one of those artificial fruit flavors either; real, authentic fruit flavor — pretty please with a cherry on top! Don’t you dare give me a pie that isn’t fruit-based, and we may as well add pineapple, mango and/or peach into our salsas as well!
4. When you think summer, you think fruit.
Sure, we all love the summer sun, the beach and relaxation, but the one thing missing from that list is summer fruit. Any fruit addict knows that summer is absolutely the best time for fruit. Watermelon, grapes, cherries, pineapple, peaches, honeydew, cantaloupe, berries, pears, plums and the list goes on. Summer = fruit heaven.
5. Once you start eating fruit, you can’t stop.
You’ve been known to consume an entire watermelon or bag of grapes faster than it takes the average family to consume them. You have to pull out exactly how much you want to eat of a fruit before you start eating it, or you’ll keep eating until you get a stomachache or the fruit is gone. At least you’re getting enough Vitamin C!
If any or all of these signs apply to you, you may be addicted to fruit, but have no fear, there are a melon other people with fruit addictions just like you. We’re all in this together. Now go feed your addiction with some cherries!