While many young college students might think they are living the blockbuster "college life" lifestyle many also eventually grow tired of the partying, the late nights, the severe procrastination and the latest gossip. Some might not realize just how routine and mature their habits have become. So here are 5 signs that prove you are officially off the grid in regards to typical young adult behavior.
1. You always cancel plans.
The whole 'getting dressed up' and 'driving places' suddenly feels too exhausting. Relaxing at home is FAR more appealing at this point even if it's simply cuddling on the couch with a pet or binge watching an entire T.V. show. I mean, let's be honest, we just want to lay and bed and eat girl scout cookies while watching a sappy movie.
2. Sleep becomes a treasure.
After all those late nights studying or hanging out, the restful sleep content in our system is sure to be at a mere 5 percent. You end up looking forward to long naps and even scheduling them into your day. You also don't go to bed so late like you normally would when you were in high school. You feel the yawns begin to echo at 10:30 p.m.
3. You get excited over 'everyday things'.
Suddenly that peppermint body wash intrigues you and you can help but investigate all the scents for your favorite bath products. You become excited to use the brand new vacuum on the carpet. You also get excited over Tupperware, socks, unexpected mail, and a glow in the dark pen.
4.You are constantly calling your parents.
Whether it'd be for a broke down car or simply to see which seasoning goes best on pork chops, you find that your recent phone calls section of your phone is overrun by mom and dad. Whereas it used to be overrun by your friends and significant other.
5. You spend your money wisely.
You began to think very much about whether or not you really need those shoes and you also save up and avoid the 'YOLO' lifestyle. Even buying toothpaste can be a stressful moment. Which is more affordable but which is higher quality? Buying all that fast food in the past makes you facepalm. You start to wonder why you ever spent so much money every time you went out with your friends. Oh yeah.... friendship and living in the moment.
These are only a few of the abundant amount of habits that prove you're an old person living in the body of a young college student. But fear not dear friends, Not every drastic change is bad. And.. eventually... we will get old. So embrace it! We are already one step ahead.