1. He doesn't communicate
One of the telltale signs that your boyfriend is not interested in you is that he never initiates conversation. If you are the only person who contacts him either over the phone, through email or text, then it is safe to assume that he really has no desire to interact with you. Generally, even the most phone-phobic men will text or call their significant others if they are somewhat emotionally attached.
If you find yourself in a relationship with someone who will pick up the phone when you call or text, but never actually call you unprompted, then you should move on to someone who will reciprocate your desire to communicate.
2. He tries to make you jealous
Everyone gets a little jealous from time to time, but if your boyfriend is putting time and effort into making you jealous, then steer clear and move on to someone more deserving of your love and affection.
Is your boyfriend talking about his ex girlfriends around you, making comparisons between you and other women and then getting excited when he senses your jealousy? If you are in a relationship with someone who gets pleasure from your suffering and feelings of insecurity, you are better off on your own.
3. He forgets everything
Does your boyfriend forget your birthday, your phone number, and/or your anniversary? If your boyfriend is that forgetful, he is not emotionally engaged with you. If you find yourself reminding your boyfriend about important events in your life, then stop wasting your time with someone who doesn’t value you or take the time to remember important dates and information about your life. You deserve to be appreciated, you deserve to have your birthday celebrated and you deserve an anniversary dinner. If you find yourself alone on your anniversary because your boyfriend “forgot about it,” forget him!
4. He will not do anything for you
When a man is interested in you, he will do things for you. Men who love and care for their girlfriends go out of their way to “build that nest for them.” If your boyfriend fixes a tire for you, builds a new desk and does other odd jobs for you, that’s a good sign. If, on the other hand, he sees you carrying seven grocery bags and doesn’t offer to help, then steer clear.
5. He makes you insecure
If you find yourself in a relationship with a man who makes you feel insecure, end it immediately. If your boyfriend is extra critical of you, it is safe to assume he is not that interested. People who are overly critical of others are emphasizing the negative in others. Everyone has good and bad qualities and idiosyncrasies that may be somewhat annoying. Understanding people are accepting of others knowing full well that humans are flawed creatures. You have to take the good with the bad to have meaningful relationships. If your boyfriend is not accepting of you the way you are, then find someone who is.