Have you ever waited until the night before? Have you ever used the term later? Are you used to pulling all-nighters? I’m here to tell you that you're not the first and that you definitely won’t be the last. College is good for one thing, other than receiving an above average education, college allows you to become scholarly in procrastination. If it were a class I’d ace it! While I might seem too prideful about my ability to procrastinate I can assure you not everyone is cut out for the life of a last second do-er, a procrastinator. I have complied (last minute) a list of five signs that could prove if you're a procrastinator or not.
1. It's 2 a.m. and you just started studying for your midterm:
Go grab another coffee… its gonna be a long night…
2. It's three minutes before your class and you're running into Alkek because you need your paper printed as well as turned in online:
Run! Run! RUN! you will be counted absent and you will die…
3. Your to-do list is longer than your homework assignments:
*starts to write paper*
“Oh, but I need to clean my room...”
4. You have no attention span:
5. You’re always (sorry or not) LATE!!
This is your third time this week blaming it on the train…
Sometimes there’s nothing you can do about it, it's just another form of second nature. I can’t even begin to count the number of times I’ve realized just how much of a procrastinator I truly am! Keep your head up and keep procrastinating and try and get to class early-ish.