Recently I have been really stressed from so many things going on in my life, and I just powered through it like I did in high school. It worked pretty okay, until I recently had an actual breakdown. I want to write this so If anyone else gets in the same boat as I was, to acknowledge the signs before it gets to be TOO much. There are A LOT of signs, but these were the 5 that affected me the most.
1. Becoming easily agitated.
After a while with all the things I had to get done in such a short periods of time, I started to become VERY easily agitated. So many people were asking me to do things for them and I couldn’t bring myself to say no, when in actuality you don’t have to do anything that you don’t have to do. Being polite is nice, but sometimes you just need to say no for yourself.
2. Feeling Overwhelmed
When you have so many things to do a feeling of being overwhelmed is most likely how you will feel. I know with all the things going on in my life I have a overwhelming feeling of being overwhelmed when you never need to have that feeling as a constant. Balance is VERY important.
3. Avoiding Others
This is probably the most common of the 5 factors I’m writing about, when you start to feel stressed because of something or someone you choose to avoid them to relieve stress when that is not a solution. If the stress they’re giving you is that much you need to cut that/them out of your life. Period.
4. Insomnia
When I was stressed I wasn’t able to sleep, even with the Benadryl I had to take every night. I thought maybe my sleep pattern changed, but once I solved all my stress issues, my usual sleep schedule went back to the way it used to be.
I am a very eccentric high energy person, I should have noticed this sign right off the back. I started to spend most (all) my free time sleeping in my bed because I was just so exhausted from everything that was going on. Nothing should ever make you feel that down in your life.
I write this article to show that you may be stressed and never even know it. It happens to everyone, you might have to lighten your load, which may be hard especially you’re a person like me who enjoys keeping busy, but know your limits. Don’t put so much on your plate that your health is at stake. Life is supposed to be a fun ride so enjoy it, you don’t need to be the conductor directing the ride for everyone else to enjoy