For approximately 20 years, Pokémon has been fascinating young men and women with its memorable characters, grand adventures, and incredible quests. In less then one week, Pokémon GO has captivated thousands of people, young and old, and has gained fast Internet fame. Even people who have never played a Pokémon game in their life are seemingly enthralled by this new application. However, there is a fine line between love and obsession for players. Here are 5 signs that your passion has become a dangerous addiction:
1. Catching and Driving
You’ve been seeing them everywhere -- the memes; countless jokes about Pidgeotto related crashes and Pikachu inspired wrecks. However, accompanying the memes have also been accounts of actual highway pileups and accidents. If you’re more occupied by tracking the Charizard on your radar than looking through the windshield, then you are likely in need of a Pokémon GO intervention.
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2. Trespassing
If you find yourself on someone else’s private property at 3 a.m., then you are no better than Team Rocket. Seriously though, even Mewtwo isn’t worth being arrested. If the urge to break into someone’s home is making you twitch, it’s time to seek help, and no, not from Professor Willow!
3. Lack of Self-Awareness
In an epic battle against a nearby Gym Leader, if your Pokémon’s HP reaches 0 it can be revived and healed in a matter of seconds; however, the broken ankle you’ll get from falling into a man-hole will not repair as quickly or easily. If you can’t focus on anything other than catching them all, then you are definitely dangerously addicted to Pokémon GO. Remember, the first step is acceptance (preferably before walking into a pole or having your phone stolen).
4. Rapid Phone Depletion
When your phone, which you have just finished charging all night, is dead within an hour, it’s time to step away from the cellular device. If Pokémon GO drains a months worth of your data within the week, then it is likely draining you as well.
5. Nomophobia
(No, it’s not the name of a new Pokémon). According tothe Merriam Webster Dictionary, “no-mobile-phobia” is “the fear of being without access to a working cell phone.” As if Instagram and Snapchat weren’t bad enough, now Pokémon GO has amplified our phone fixation. If you’re ignoring your friends during a walk in the park, or are giving up a group adventure for a solo avatar excursion, then you’ve hit rock bottom and should probably visit a “Pokémon GO Anonymous” meeting immediately.