Looking back now as a young adult, some of my fondest memories came from watching this public broadcast station. No, not everyone was blessed with growing up watching Disney Channel or Nickelodeon. However, PBS was all the entertainment I needed and here are some signs that you grew up watching PBS as well.
1. You relate to the sassy-ness of D.W.
If there's one thing everyone remembers about watching the classic PBS show "Arthur," is Dora Winifred Reed or D.W. for short. From getting lost in the white house to calling her brother "four eyes," this 4 year old was always mouthing off to someone. It's amazing that this pre-schooler had such an extensive vocabulary, not to mention such an attitude. If you find yourself singing "Crazy Bus" to purposely annoy your family or throwing a tantrum because you hate spinach, you may relate to D.W.'s spoiled and dramatic personality more than you think.
2. You HATE the bald 4 year old known as Caillou.
3. You always wanted a talking lemur for a pet.
This show was like heaven on earth for avid PBS viewers. A talking lemur, rainforests and other wild animals made us feel like we weren't just watching from home, but that we were in the show, learning about exotic animals with "Zoboomafoo." "Zoboomafoo" most likely contributed to our love of animals and made us want to ask our parents if we could have a lemur as a pet. And when we found out that the lemur who played Zoboomafoo died in 2014, we had a little moment of silence for our favorite cuddly creature.
4. You simultaneously loved and were creeped out by a huge purple dinosaur.
If you find yourself randomly singing "I love you, you love me" throughout your day, than you may have grown up watching "Barney & Friends." This huggable dinosaur taught us everything from manners to how to dance. While he was supposed to be a friendly dinosaur, some found themselves a little creeped out by the anthropomorphic t-rex. And no one can forget his other two dinosaur friends, Baby Bop and B.J. Even if the dinosaur (and show) was a little weird sometimes, I still find myself humming the "Clean Up" song while straightening up my dorm room.