Many students across the country went home for Thanksgiving weekend. Some of them might have found their home to be just as they remembered it and comforted by their surroundings. But others might have found that their "home," for all intents and purposes, is now college.
Here are five signs that might be the case for you:
1. Shower Shoes
While away at school, most people get so used to sliding on their flip-flops to go take a shower. Now, I’m not sure if everyone has had that one slip up where they go home for a break and get in your mom’s shower with your shoes on. It has probably happened to me twice and I felt like such an idiot, I don’t even know why I brought them home but it was hilarious. I’m pretty sure your shower at home is clean enough to go barefoot in.
2. Curfew
When you’re at school, the weekend is time to party or simply chill in your friend’s dorm until the crack of dawn doing nothing. When you’re at home, it’s not as easy. Me being the respectful child I am, and many of my other friends, give ourselves curfew while at home. Some of our parents don’t give us curfews while at home because either they don’t care or they trust us to make smart decisions. Either way, we give ourselves until about 1 or even 2 am to get home because we don’t want to disturb everyone else in the house sleeping and especially don’t want our parents up all night worried about us. I give myself until about 12 am just because for one, I tend to lock myself out all the time and don’t want to wake my mom up too late or just because the alarm makes a noise whenever a door opens. Again, out of respect, I limit my nights out as well.
3. Always needing the GPS
Now this might just be me because of my horrible memory, but being away from home too long (especially out of state) really confuses me. I forget where everything is. I have been living in the same home in Georgia for almost 12 years and now when I go and have to drive somewhere, I absolutely always need my GPS. I forgot where EVERYTHING was.
4. The use of Netflix
Being at school, we probably use Netflix more than Google but when we get home I’m sure we forget that we have access to our parents television-greatness with Starz & HBO and the whole amazing package (I obviously love tv). Anyway, I feel like we can catch up on all of our current shows that aren’t on Netflix but we may be so used to binge-watching on there..