When I settled on this idea, I sat down and wrote out the first five events that came to my head in my lifetime that taught me more than the score or result, or kept me up at night thinking about it. Sports is meant to be a distraction, but in its best form it is a teaching tool for life, preaching integral concepts like teamwork, persistence and discipline. Legends grow as time passes, hopefully these moments do the same.
1. Michael Jordan's Retirement
As previously mentioned in my last article, MJ did a lot more than win six championships for us wannabe ballers. He helped revolutionize the sports marketing landscape, making his face the most recognizable in the world. By the time he retired, the guys he was squaring off against every night were wearing his shoes. Even when he came back to Washington, the entire NBA and its fan base bowed down to His Airness time and again, savoring every moment they could. There's a reason you see an article titled, "Why Michael Jordan Could Still Play in the NBA Today" once a year.
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2. Stuart Scott's Death
One of the trail blazers on SportsCenter with catchphrases such as, "Booyah!" and "As cool as the other side of the pillow", Scott brought an attitude and flair to the highlight desk that was much needed. It provided a spark to the previously conservative approach that didn't compromise the journalistic side. Make no mistake, Stuart Scott was damn good at what he did. He beat cancer twice over a span of six years before finally falling victim to it, never wanting to know what stage he was in. Six months before he died, he received the Jimmy V Award at the ESPY's for his ongoing battle against cancer. Scott delivered a speech that rivaled the award namesake's, and channeled strength that his body did not have.
3. Jason Mcelwain's Hoop Dream
This one may be the least known, but that doesn't make it any less important. The only reason anyone knows Jason's story is because ESPN did a special on him ten years ago. For some reason, this one stuck out to me, more so than any other emotional story I've seen Tom Verducci report in the last decade. This one truly seemed too good to be true, a made for Hollywood story. Sports can be an equalizer, as Jason says, and bring people together that previously would not have been possible. The video still gives me chills ten years later.
4. Tiger Woods' 2008 U.S. Open Victory
Tiger became the Jordan of golf, bringing a newfound spotlight on golf thanks to his dominance, intimidation, and unparalleled consistency when having a lead, or closing in on those who did. He had the edge in mentality against every golfer on the tour, in a game where that is everything. His masterpiece was the 2008 U.S. Open, where he forced a playoff against Rocco Mediate on the 18th hole to force another round the next day. All Mediate could do was helplessly watch as his first career major was robbed by the giant that stood over the PGA tour for 15 years. Oh by the way, we later found out he did it on one leg, with a damaged ACL.
5. Jason Lezak Saves America
Coming into the 2008 Olympics, everyone knew swimmer Michael Phelps' hopes to break American Mark Spitz's record of seven gold medals in 1972. That would require the Americans winning in the 4x100 Relay event as well, something the French almost prevented, if not for the work of Lezak on the last leg. Believe me, I'm the furthest thing from a swimming fan; but the potential impact of a French win, as well as the comeback Lezak pulled off in the last 50 meters was exhilarating and led to pandemonium stateside. The more you watch it, the more you wonder how Lezak pulled it off, especially considering how both the French and Americans shattered the previous world record. Phelps was pretty stoked too. Go America!