5 Shows Needed On Your Summer Netflix Binge List | The Odyssey Online
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5 Shows Needed On Your Summer Netflix Binge List

Let the binge begin.

5 Shows Needed On Your Summer Netflix Binge List

Summer means you're either really busy or have nothing to do at all, but both of those circumstances require Netflix. Netflix-binging is great for those boring and hot days that seem to drag on, but also important as a way to relax after a long week of hard work. Get ready to binge on all these shows.

1. "Portlandia"

Emmy-nominated "Portlandia" is taking a new spin on what sketch comedy is. It is difficult to describe; the show's official website only offers a very brief description of what it's about, saying it "explores the eccentric misfits who embody the foibles of modern culture." The main characters are played by the show's writers Fred Armisen and Carrie Brownstein, who each play a variety of different characters on the show instead of just the typical one. They play hippies, hipsters, old couples, goths, and many more. Despite the vast range of characters and eccentric humor, watchers still form bonds with those characters which makes the show worth watching. Try out an episode or two and see if the odd humor of "Portlandia" is right for you.

2. "The Walking Dead"

AMC's "The Walking Dead" is quite possibly the biggest show on television right now. It's almost impossible to avoid the buzz about the show, making it an obvious choice to include in this list and every Netflix queue out there. If you are reluctant to watch it because it's a "zombie show", stop that thinking immediately and turn on the first episode. It is not about the zombies but about the people, described by thewalkingdead.com as "how the living are changed by the overwhelming realization that those who survive can be far more dangerous than the mindless walkers roaming the earth." The first five seasons of the show are on Netflix, but the 67 45-minute episodes won't take you long to get through since you will not be able to stop watching. Before you know it, you'll be pleading for Netflix to add the latest season.

3. "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt"

Produced by comedian Tina Fey, "Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt" continues its light-hearted and fun comedy in the recently added second season. The show follows the story of thirty-year-old Kimmy Schmidt, who spent the last fifteen years of her life in an underground bunker and is now free to take on whatever New York City has to throw at her. There are only twenty-six episodes in total, each under a half hour long. It's a quick watch that's easy to follow, making this show a must-see for those with busy summer schedules who need a show to ease their stress.

4. "Bob's Burgers"

Yet another light-hearted comedy, this show takes the cake. Or rather, flips the burger. "Bob's Burgers" won an Emmy in 2014 for Outstanding Animated Program, and the reasons for the win are obvious. The show follows the five-person Belcher family who run a burger restaurant while dealing with everyday mishaps of life that turn into crazy adventures. In an interview, show creator Loren Bouchard stated, "The growth of a show is organic and should almost be invisible to the people making it, I think. We are trying to make the same show over and over in a way that’s not repetitive. If there’s a person out there who loves "Bob’s Burgers" in season one, we want them to love it in season two and three and four and five. Our goal is to never disappoint that person." And it looks like they haven't disappointed yet, recently concluding it's sixth season and being renewed for two more seasons.

5. "Orange Is The New Black"

"Orange Is The New Black" is by far one of the most hyped about Netflix Originals to date. So far, it has received sixteen Emmy nominations and four wins. New seasons of the show seem to come out every summer, and this year the show will go into it's fourth season when it is released this June. There are many unique characters watchers get to know on the show, but the story's main protagonist is Piper Chapman, who gets put into an all-women's prison. The show follows her, her friends, and her enemies as they survive and live together in prison. It's a must-watch for those who enjoy comedy but also crave more serious tones as well.

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