5 Shows To Fill The Void After The "Pretty Little Liars" Finale | The Odyssey Online
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5 Shows To Fill The Void After The "Pretty Little Liars" Finale

Add these to your must-watch list as you wait for PLL's return in 2017.

5 Shows To Fill The Void After The "Pretty Little Liars" Finale

"Pretty Little Liars" aired its intense summer finale this week, and in true Liars fashion, the episode delivered shocking secrets, steamy romance, and more than one unexpected character death! Since 2009, the show and the ongoing mystery of who has been harassing the main characters under the simple alias "A" has kept millions of viewers hooked for over 150 episodes! Now on it's seventh and final season, the show only has half a season left to deliver answers to all our burning questions. So as you (I) patiently await for the new episodes to start airing in April 2017, here are a few other TV shows to check out that'll satisfy all the mystery, murder, and relationship drama that every PLL fan craves!

1. Veronica Mars

Long before the body of Alison Dilaurentis was uncovered in Rosewood, PA, the death of another blonde high school girl was the most intriguing mystery on television. The story of teenage detective Veronica Mars investigating the murder of her best friend Lily Kane, remains one of the most cleverly written and captivating plot lines I've ever seen on television. "Veronica Mars" has all the wit, intrigue, and complicated characters that "Pretty Little Liars" fans could ever want. Plus, each season deals with a new overarching mystery arc that will constantly keep viewers on the edge of their seats theorizing over subjects and searching for answers!

2. Scream: The TV Series

A creepy killer terrorizing a group of high-schoolers in small town through threatening texts and phone calls? Check. A mysterious backstory involving secret siblings and student-teacher relationships? Check. Tons of scenes featuring characters breaking into abandoned cabins, hospitals, and insane asylums. Check, check, and check. MTV's "Scream" may be based off Wes Craven's series of 90s horror flicks, but it obviously owes much of it's inspiration to "Pretty Little Liars" as well. If you can't get enough twists and scares, definitely give this show a shot!

3. Make It Or Break It

For many "Pretty Little Liars" fans, the show's biggest strength isn't the mystery, the romance, or the jump scares, but the friendship between the female leads. Although their endless love interests come and go,The Liars always have each other's backs and their dynamic is truly the heart of the story.

"Make It Or Break It" aired on the same network as PLL (back before it made the switch to Freeform) and follows the lives of four teenage gymnasts training for the Olympics. Despite a plot geared more towards sports than stalkers, the focus of the writing is always on the relationship between the girls and their bonds are just as strong as those between Aria, Spencer, Hanna, Emily and Alison.

4. Scream Queens

The only show that can match Aria Mongtomery's crazy fashion choices, "Scream Queens" is the provides perfect mix of snarky humor and campy horror. PLL may have skipped over the college years with their 5 year time jump, but this cult-hit dishes out tons of campus drama as a serial killer begins targeting members of the exclusive Kappa Kappa Tau sorority. The show's second season starts airing on Fox on September 20th, so now now's the perfect time to catch up on episodes and see if the Red Devil is a true match for the deadly 'A' !

5. Gossip Girl

Before 'A' ever ended that first text "Kisses- Bitches" another anonymous cyber stalker was signing off with an iconic "XOXO-Gossip Girl." Many of you have probably already binged the entirety of this juicy CW drama which follows the lives of Manhattan's Elite teens, but those of you who are craving more secrets and scandals should definitely give Gossip Girl's 6 seasons a watch!

Although we'll all still be counting down the days 'til the 7B premiere, hopefully a few of these recommendations will help fill your time that's not being used to craft elaborate theories about A.D.'s identity or watching Ezria and Haleb scene montages on Youtube. See you all in April 2017!

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