5 Sentiments For A Heavy Heart | The Odyssey Online
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5 Sentiments For A Heavy Heart

Take time to heal.

5 Sentiments For A Heavy Heart

A heavy heart can be triggered by any number of events: loss of a job, loss of a loved one, a breakup, divorce, loss in the community or constant negative and distressing news nationally or globally. It could be large or incredibly minuscule, but in any case it can be incredibly difficult to overcome. These events are all reminders that we are not in total control, and that can be absolutely terrifying. All you can do in an effort to keep it together is take the time to reflect, grieve, and recover.

No one escapes loss; it's a naturally occurring phenomenon, and different cultures handle personal loss differently. Loss can happen at any moment, and can be both predictable or wildly unpredictable as well. I have recently personally been a part of two different communities suffering from loss of life in very shocking ways. I also have had personal loss within the last week, and it has been very difficult to process all of these events.

There is no avoiding loss; loss is a part of life. There are options when it comes to dealing with loss as well-- you can choose to ignore the pain, to act out negatively because of it, or turn it into love for others and for yourself. Loss is difficult no matter how you choose to handle it, but in order to heal, it may take more than just time. Personally, having positive affirmations to remind myself to try to keep love in my heart for myself and others is an incredibly positive and effective way to process grief in a healthy way.

These are my top five.

1. Turn to love in times of loss.

Like I mentioned before, there are options when handling grief. Choose to spread love for others and for yourself.

2. You are braver than you believe.

You have the ability to heal, and it can take courage to take steps towards healing. Be brave.

3. Begin where you are.

Take every day one step at a time.

4. Every day is a second chance.

Try not to take this life for granted. This is especially relevant after loss.

5. Nothing can bring you peace but yourself.

You must allow yourself the time and resources to heal. Give yourself permission to cry, to rest, to talk, to think -- anything you need in order to heal completely.

Loss is painful. It is inevitable. Loss can be absolutely terrifying and can make us painfully aware of our own mortality. Giving yourself and your community time to heal after personal loss can be difficult, but it is absolutely necessary. Allow yourself to reflect and react, to feel and process. Above all, take time to love, both those who grieve with you, and yourself.

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