With the end of syllabus week upon us, it’s time to start getting back into the grind of school and life. To make second semester go smoothly, try these little tips to help de-stress your life.
- Pick out your clothes the night before.
It sounds silly but it’s one less thing to worry about when you wake up. Studies also show that highly successful individuals do this to help eliminate the amount of choices needed to be made in a day. This leaves time to contemplate other important decisions in your life instead. - Get ahead on work if possible.
We all know that one person who always seems relaxed with nothing to do. This is probably because they’ve already got it done. This also allows for more time to process material, go back and review it, and maybe even look up more interesting additional information on the topic. - Go exercise.
There are so many physical and mental benefits to working out. It lowers your blood pressure and internal stress levels. Even if all you can do is go for a 10-minute walk outside that counts. Being in nature is good for the soul, body, and mind. - Make smart food choices.
As much as sampling all the desserts available sounds like a great idea in the moment, your body may not say thank you later. Clean and healthy foods help you feel more energized. They also help provide many minerals and vitamins which aid in mental processes. - Clean your room.
Having a clean and sane living environment will make you feel better. Clutter that doesn’t exist in person can’t take up space in your mind.