New Years Eve isn't the only time people make resolutions. Every school year we all make new resolutions to try and be better at something, or maybe a little bit of everything. So here are 7 new school years resolutions that people are for sure going to make, and good luck keeping them!
1. Studying More
Let's be real, we could all probably study at least a little bit more. I mean that's why we are here right? To learn and get those dream jobs we've had since we could barely spell. I know for sure I can. I was one of those kids who was just blessed in high school and easily made A's without ever picking up my books. College has been quite the adjustment, and slowly I am learning how to study more and more.
2. Hitting The Gym More
Hitting the gym is not only a great way to relieve stress but is just so healthy for you. I make this resolution at least once a week and to be fair if I even went once a week that would be a huge improvement. I know how hard it is to get yourself motivated to get there, especially if you work 30 hours a week on top of classes like I do. But I'm going to keep making this resolution, eventually it might stick.
3. Going out more or less.
I tend to fall more on the "need to go out less" side of this spectrum. Constantly having to remind myself that even though I willingly go to parties as a designated driver sometimes or don't drink every time, I always want to go out and see everyone. It's time to focus more on school Sara, get your self in check! But if you're a wee bit of a shut in, get your self out there. Meet some people. You'll be surprised that the girl you stumbled in to the bathroom with, and giggled all night with could be your chocolate to your peanut butter.
4. Getting Involved On Campus
Now this one I have done pretty well at. I am part of Greek Life, I've joined two other groups since becoming a member of Kappa Tau Epsilon. First one being Alternative Breaks. I got to go all the way to Atlanta, Georgia with some of the most amazing people I have ever met and got to work with some of the coolest and sweetest kids in the world. And lastly, here I am writing my second article for the third organization I have joined; the odyssey! So please no matter what you are into get out there, get involved, and try new things!
5. Sleeping More
Believe it or not, we are not invincible, and we need sleep. Sleeping 3-4 hours a night average is not enough. Skip that party, and stay in. Go to bed a 9pm once in a while. I know it's hard, and even in high school I could barely fall asleep before midnight. Take the time, you wouldn't believe what a good night's can do for you.
So everyone reading this out there make some of these and really stick to them to make for a better year and a better self!