5 Scary Monsters You Haven't Heard Of | The Odyssey Online
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5 Scary Monsters You Haven't Heard Of

This is the stuff nightmares are made of.

5 Scary Monsters You Haven't Heard Of

Ah, Halloween. It’s the season of ghouls and goblins, of werewolves and witches, vampires and vicious, bloodthirsty zombies. These are the monsters we’re used to, the ones we’ve seen on screen in all their various macabre forms. There are some creatures, however, that make the ones from Hollywood seem like child’s play. Here are five truly terrifying monsters that are the stuff nightmares are made of.

1. Penanggalan

Mother Penanggalan by Kurt KomodaCC2.0

First up on our list of super creepy friends is the Penanggalan, a Malaysian vampire who enjoys working with pregnant women and using her long, invisible tongue to suck out the blood of mother and child. During the day this creature walks around as a normal woman, but at night is when she really lets her hair down, literally. The Penanggalan detaches her head from her body and flies around with her entrails and internal organs dangling from it. These, apparently, glow in the dark, and she uses them to pick locked doors where infants are sleeping. The Penanggalan also works in a field where she can be close to expecting mothers. So, if your midwife smells like vinegar, beware.

2. Blemmys

Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/Beastiary101/

Our next creature hails from ancient Libya. These creatures were cannibals whose heads were located in the center of their chests. The ancient Greek historian, Herodotus, was the first to describe these terrifying creatures. However, they have been mentioned in historical texts as late as the 17th century.

3. The Bakhtak

Retrieved from https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Iranian_folklore

If you’ve ever suffered from nightmares, or sleep paralysis, then this is a creature you should familiarize yourself with. According to Iranian folklore, the Bakhtak is a small creature resembling a goblin that sits on the chests of its sleeping victims.

4. Skudakumooch

Retrieved from: http://www.blumhouse.com/2016/03/31/the-10-most-te...

This is the Native American version of a really nasty witch. The Skudakumooch is from Passamaquoddy and Micmac mythology and is not someone you would want to meet. This creature is created from the dead body of a shaman who practiced black magic. It rises each night as a demonic entity to kill any and every thing its path.

5. Teihiihan

Retrieved from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/514958538616510943/

Another creepy legend from Native American folklore are the Teihiihan, from the Cheyenne and Arapaho tribes. These pleasant little monsters are child-size cannibals, known to attack in large numbers. Though they were small, the Teihiihan were said to be remarkably strong, having been fearsome warriors in a previous life and resurrected as the dwarves after death.

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