5 Romantic Stories For Valentine’s Day | The Odyssey Online
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5 Romantic Stories For Valentine’s Day

“True love is the best thing in the world, except for cough drops.”—William Goldman

5 Romantic Stories For Valentine’s Day

To many, February is the month of love and friendship. Valentine's Day, named after a martyred, love-sick saint, causes a surplus of Hershey’s chocolate and Hallmark cards to fill the aisles of CVS. But for me, Valentine’s Day isn’t just about the chocolate and cards; I cherish reading about the romance featured in classics and classics-to-be. So here are five stories that will meet your romantic needs while on that date with your soulmate (or cat).

1. Stardust By Neil Gaiman

This original fairy tale follows Tristran as he searches for a fallen star in order to woo his crush—and along the way, finds out what true love really is. "Stardust" was brought to the big screen in 2007, and is currently available on Netflix.

2. Pride and Prejudice By Jane Austen

The most classic story of all the ones on this list, "Pride and Prejudice" is certainly a book to get around to reading if you haven’t yet (or maybe just reread again). What’s even more perfect is that there are so many adaptations of this story, including "The Lizzie Bennett Diaries" (available on YouTube) and "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies"(in theatres now).

3. Warm Bodies By Isaac Marion

Do your love stories need some more of the walking dead? "Warm Bodies" may be what you’re looking for. In an apocalyptic world that is divided into zombies and the living, R and Julie meet against all odds. As their relationship develops, the story builds on the question of what does it mean to be human? If the book (and movie) leaves you wanting more, Marion is in the process of turning Warm Bodies into a series and the original short story, "I Am A Zombie Filled With Love," is also available on Goodreads.

4. Let it Snow By John Green, Maureen Johnson, and Lauren Myracle

Admittedly, "Let It Snow" does take place Christmas Eve. Even so, this cheesy romance is just the one to enjoy while curled up with a cup of hot cocoa on a cold winter's night. Here, three separate stories are pushed together by the same icy snowstorm, causing snow banks of new love and friendship to abound. There are even rumors that "Let It Snow" will be released as a movie later this year!

5. The Princess Bride By William Goldman

This rendition of S. Morgenstern’s tale is quite the cult classic, especially after being turned into a movie. When Princess Buttercup believes her true love to be dead, Prince Humperdink tries to take her hand in marriage. But death will not let this gripping story die away. Featuring high adventure, daring sword fights, dashing pirates, a beautiful princess, both the book and movie will leave you quoting the characters day and night. What else could you ask for on Valentine’s Day?

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