Writer's block sucks. I'm experiencing it right now, as you continue to amazingly, patiently, and admirably read this article. My mind is drawing blanks and would much rather stare at my cat lick himself than sit in front of the computer and write about something relevant. It's during times like this that I wish that I read more so that I would be able to fill up the page with fancier words. Having writer's block can seem like the end of the world but doing some of these things can help you start formulating words at a normal pace again.
1. Take a long walk
Sometimes getting some fresh air can help you air out your head too. Something you see outside can inspire some writing.
2. Give yourself "procrastination time"
Sometimes if you give yourself 30 minutes to just fool around, you might feel a bit more focused when it comes to writing.
3. Treat yo'self
Having snacks can improve your perspective on life sometimes.
4. Watch cat videos
Because why not?
5. Take a nap.
When all else fails, naps never will.