As we all know, Thanksgiving is a time to spend with family, playing football and eating your heart out and not worrying about the calories. For me, it's a little different. I don't come home very often so when I do, I'm asked a ton of questions about the college life and social life and I can't even begin to say that I'm fed up with it. So, when the questions start coming, I'll just hit everyone with my article. Here are 5 questions (as well as responses) that I'll hear and give at Thanksgiving dinner this year. AND in honor of a new season of Gilmore Girls (*screams like a little girl*) I'll be happy to give these responses with gifs from Gilmore Girls!
1. "How are classes going this semester?"
Early morning classes, late night essay writings, surprise exams and no sleep at all... I say they're going swell. I've pulled about two all-nighters so far this semester, and (while I don't plan on doing them ever again) I HATE SCHOOL. THERE, I SAID IT. I don't even LIKE coffee, but I've definitely started considering drinking it because I just can't seem to stay up any longer.
2. "So... do you have a boyfriend?"
4. "You look like you've gained a couple of pounds... are you eating right?"
I know, I know. Kinda mean, but honestly, who asks this question anyways?? Hey, I gained weight my freshman year, but sophomore year is different and I've already lost 26 pounds and I'm never looking back! Don't come at my weight... now, can someone pass me the mashed potatoes?
5. "I assume you don't party at school, correct?"
LOL send a 20-something-year-old to a school in a different state, almost 200 miles away from home and 3 hours away from any family members... what do you think? I guess my response will be "of course not!" but we all know I'm counting down the days until House Crawl 2017 (*whooooo!*) but I'll never tell my family that ;)