As we turn the page on 2016 (thank God, right?) a fresh new page awaits us. This is the time of year where we make goals and prepare for a new start, often with New Years' resolutions. Each year, we think of habits that we hope will spur change and push us to be closer to the person we want to be.
The problem is, each year we tend to make the same resolutions. We resolve -- among thousands of others -- to tweak our lives with over generalized goals that we think will change us. Inevitably, they won't. By the end of January, we lose sight of the big picture and fall into our old behaviors. This doesn't mean we shouldn't make goals, it means we should understand how to make better goals. Here are 5 resolutions not to make this year, and how to find a substitute that is built to last.
Don’t resolve to lose weight.
Do resolve to work on a healthier lifestyle. Don’t tell yourself that you aren’t allowed to indulge, and more importantly, don’t punish yourself when you do. You don’t have to force yourself to spend an hour in the gym every day. Instead, try making a goal to take the stairs instead of the elevator, or a goal to save sweets for weekends and special occasions. Do something you personally feel is achievable, and will make you a healthier and happier person.
Don’t resolve to make more friends.
Instead of resolving to make more friends, resolve to make real-life human connections. Engage in others. Listen more than you speak, make eye contact, try to understand the people around you. Friendships might not always come from this, but when they do, they will be true relationships.
Don’t resolve to make more money.
In truth, we as young people can’t magically enhance our paycheck in 2017. Instead, make a goal to make better use of the money you already have. Learn how to budget and resolve to save a realistic amount each paycheck.
Don’t resolve to live life to the fullest.
Have you ever seen all of those wall prints telling you to “Make Every Day Count” and “Cherish Every Moment”? Am I the only one who thinks this is really stressful? I sometimes lay in bed at night wondering if I “lived” enough that day. There’s a lot of pressure to maximize our lives. Instead of this vague goal to live life to the fullest, make a goal to do one thing every day that pushes you a little bit.
Don’t resolve to be happier.
There is also a lot of pressure to be happy all the time, and sometimes asking ourselves why we aren’t happy is enough to stress us out and do the opposite. Instead, think about what makes you happy. Is it going out for coffee? Painting? Binging on Gilmore Girls? Then, do it! Don’t constantly tell yourself “be happy, be happy” over and over. Instead, resolve to do more of the things that make you happy.
Tailor your goals to the life you are already living. They will be easier to keep, and will yield better results. Here’s to 2017 being our year!