With the new year upon us, I thought I would think about which New Year’s resolutions I would actually be able to keep. There are ways to help you make small changes into your daily routine which can have a big impact on your life overall! After all, we could all use some small, healthy changes to our sleeping, eating and studying habits, right?
Here's some resolutions you can actually keep for 2017:
1. Reading for classes a little bit each day.
Spacing out all my textbook reading and breaking it into chunks makes it so easy for me to concentrate and stay on task when I’m studying.
2. Drinking more water
I’m going to start carrying a water bottle with me that it is easy for me to stay hydrated throughout the day.
3. Getting some exercise in each week
Running two miles everyday is a little too hard sometimes. I think at least running for 10 minutes or taking a walk outside is doable on the days that I’m busy.
4. Being on time to things
I’m going to try to pack my backpack ahead of time and not walk out the door just five minutes before class starts. I have to stop cutting everything too close.